you're beautiful.

just a girl who wants to share her story with you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

my birthday and randoms.

so, my birthday was on the 16th (same as nick jaaays) and it was alright. i turned 16, i don't feel any older. i got some pretty sweet gifts and im still getting some soon. so i'll post about that later. on my birthday weekend, i went to my dads (: , it was fun, then on the saturday night i went to my grandparents for dinner...NOT EVEN ONE PERSON SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! my dads side of the family were there, not even one.
well, my great uncle tim, but he asked me how old i was, i haven't seen him since i was like 4 or 5.
whatever, but my grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins.
thats fucked.
they've never really liked me, im "fat".
which i guess i am.
im over 225 pounds, but im fine with it.
would i like to loose weight?
but is it happening, no.
but i am trying.

hmm, what else to say.
the VMA's .. kayne west interrupting taylor swift.
fuck. i hate him even MORE NOW.
i don't wanna upset beyonce fans but taylor did have the best video, i mean like, all beyonce was doing was dancing :| i mean COME ON.
taylor had a story.
it just made me really mad..

i want you guys to ask me questions.
i enjoy answering everything.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

:D ♥

i saw my secret on OUTS :)
and thanks for following me.

so, i guess now, i should start.
im 16 and in grade 10, supposed to be in grade 11.
i missed my first grade nine year. why you ask?
one simple answer: depression.
i don't know how it started, all i know is that it started and then it wouldn't stop.
it got worse, when people would bully me.
yeah, bully. no big deal right?
no, for the people getting bullied, its a huge deal..everything got to me & i basically dropped out.

that's all i will share for today.
i want to get into more detail.
but, sometimes its hard hearing it all over again.

i'll love you if your nice to me
